Feeling Thankful...

It's been a while since I've posted anything on here... so since I'm off this week, I thought I'd take advantage of my kid-free house (for a few hours at least) to catch up on my lil' blog!

My school is off for the entire week, so we spent last Friday doing some fun writing activities from my new Thanksgiving Unit!  

We started by brainstorming our favorite
Thanksgiving foods.  Then, students used the
list to help them write about their favorite food
and describe how it looks, smells, and tastes.
This was an autumn scene we did as a directed drawing art project.  Thanks to a great art video from "Art with Joy", I thought they turned out amazingly well!  We also wrote an autumn cinquain to go with our pictures.  
Before I go, I'd like to leave you with a few things I'm most thankful for this year!
#1)  My family:  I am so very thankful for my wonderful, amazing husband Matt and our four awesome kids.  They keep us laughing all the time, and there is never a dull moment in our house.  It's not always easy being a mom and a teacher, but life is pretty great and I'm thankful for all the little moments that make our family life so incredibly special.  We are blessed!

#2)  Amazing friends:  I am so fortunate to have some of the greatest friends.  We don't get to see each other as often as I'd like, but we can always pick right up where we left off, and for that I'm very thankful.  I'm also very fortunate to work with some amazing people who have become great friends too.  

#3)  My job:  I am so grateful to have a job that I love.  Walking into my cozy little classroom each day and seeing my students bright little smiling faces makes me so incredibly happy.  I couldn't imagine doing anything else!

#4)  TpT:  I didn't quite know what to expect when I began my TpT adventure.  At first, I found it hard to believe that anyone would actually be able to find my products and want to buy them.  Now, 7 months later, I've sold 647 units and am actually making a steady amount of supplemental income for my family!  Creating and brainstorming ideas for my TpT products has been such a fabulous way for me to express my creativity! It's become my favorite new hobby.  I love it, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be able to share my teaching ideas and products with educators from all over the world.  

#5)  A whole week off for Thanksgiving Break:  After my kids went off to school this morning, I sat and enjoyed the peace and quiet while I savored my morning coffee.  It was blissful!  Then, I headed over to my son's school for his 3rd grade class' Fall Feast!  As a teacher, I never get to help out with school or class events, so I was thrilled to be there today.  My son was pretty excited too.  It was a great day!  


My lil guy and his Pueblo Indian model!  Each table group
was a different Indian tribe!
Fall Feasting!  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  




Fresh and Fun Ideas for Back to School and Currently for September!