Currently for April

As you probably already know, I'm new to this whole blog thing.  I feel like I've entered a whole new universe and I'm floating around all by myself!  In an effort to gain some more exposure to this little blog o' mine, I'm linking up with Oh Boy 4th Grade's Blog for her April Linky Party! Special thanks to Heather at Heather's First Grade Heart for telling me about this great opportunity and pointing me in the right direction! 

And now... here is my "Currently" for April.  Thanks for reading!  

Listening to:  My kids laughing and playing with all of their Easter goodies.  We sure had a chocolate bunny fueled fun fest over here yesterday!  They are still wound up on Easter candy, so they've been extra loud and silly today, but we had a great day just hanging out at home.  I've also got my iHome on Pandora in the kitchen, so the sound of Duffy, Adele, Amy Winehouse, and the like is winding it's way around the house in the background.  Love Pandora!

Loving:  I am so in love with FONTS!  I seriously think I have a problem.  I. CAN'T. STOP!  Just when I think I have enough, then I find another site and even more fun fonts to look at!  My favorite fonts are from these sites:  Kevin & Amanda, Da Font, and Fontspace.

Thinking:  I'm thinking about all of the projects to do for my new TpT adventure.  I currently only have 4 products in my store, but I currently have two projects in the works and I'm almost finished with them.  My goal is to get those up on my TpT store by the end of my Spring Break.  I'm also working on some ideas for new blog posts.  We're getting ready to start our big Animal Diorama project next month (another big hit for Open House), so I will be sharing some photos of student examples, as well as a student instruction sheet, animal report template, and grading rubric. 

Wanting:  To slow down and enjoy the ride.  Lately, it seems that things have been moving so quickly and now that I'm starting out on this new blogging / TpT adventure, I never seem to have enough time!  But when my sweet little four year old daughter comes up to me (while I'm busily typing on the computer) and says "Mama... will you cuddle with me?"  How can you resist?  I just have to stop... step away from my projects and make time for my babies.  They are only little for so long, and I am loving this time I get to be home with them and just be their mom.  There will always be time to work on blogs and projects after they go to sleep.  * sneaking off to snuggle my kids before they go to bed...

Needing:  To get back on track!  I have been on a weight loss journey since January 1st.  I joined Weight Watchers with a good friend of mine and lost 10 pounds, but I still have a lot more to go.  I'm hoping to be at my goal weight in time for summer vacation!  I've joined a yoga studio, so I try to go to at least 2 or 3 classes every week.  I'm also doing kickboxing after school once a week, and trying to eat CLEAN foods (i.e. no "white stuff"  i.e. sugar, white flour, white rice, etc.)  I was doing okay, until the darn Easter bunny came and left all this chocolate in my house!  Tomorrow.  I will get back on track tomorrow!

Advice:  I'm a total newbie to this whole blog thing, so the advice I'm giving is also my inspiration for my own blog.  I'm hoping that I will be able to provide some real value to my readers through thoughtful posts about tips or ideas that really work in the classroom.  I don't have much yet, but stay tuned... there will be lots more to come!

And that about wraps it up, folks!  My first-ever linky party.  So fun!  Can't wait to do it again!


Vocabulary Notebooks Simplified


Spring Cleaning and Organizing My Classroom!